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Bamboo Orchid Pattern (L9-004)

Bamboo Orchid Pattern (L9-004)

This beauty was found growing on the side of the road! That's Costa Rica for you. The model was stitched on 36-count Edinburgh linen (Summer Khaki),...


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Cattleya Orchid Pattern (L9-011)

Cattleya Orchid Pattern (L9-011)

Although I couldn't identify the species of this Cattleya orchid, I was drawn to the dimensions of its coloring. The Cattleya genus grows in the wild...


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Fuchsias Pattern (L9-014)

Fuchsias Pattern (L9-014)

With the tropical climate in Costa Rica, visitors can see many plants that they consider houseplants growing outside homes and in the wild …...


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Purple Passiflower Pattern (L9-008)

Purple Passiflower Pattern (L9-008)

The flowers of a passion fruit vine are as beautiful as its fruit is tasty. When the flowers are in bloom, butterflies abound! This pattern uses 63...


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Red-eyed Tree Frog Pattern (L9-006)

Red-eyed Tree Frog Pattern (L9-006)

The red-eyed tree frog is the most common kind of tree (or leaf) frog found in Costa Rica. They enjoy the cooler climates, like the Monteverde Cloud...


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Spot-Bellied Poison Dart Frog Pattern (L9-013)

Spot-Bellied Poison Dart Frog Pattern (L9-013)

The bright colors of poison dart frogs serve as a warning to potential predators. They secrete toxin from glands in their skin, and simply rubbing a...


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Displaying 1 to 6 (of 6 Products)
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